Sustainability Award for the Automotive and Mobility Industry

Due to their importance for the economy and society, the automotive industry and mobility providers bear special responsibility for achieving climate protection and general sustainability goals. The Sustainability Award in Automotive is presented jointly by the ATZ/MTZ Group from Springer and experts in the field of sustainable mobility from the management consultancy Arthur D. Little. The Sustainability Award in Automotive honors outstanding examples of sustainable solutions in a total of three areas. Entries are selected and awarded on the basis of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations (UN), which address key global challenges in the areas of ecology, society and governance. This means: 1. the product or solution must contribute significantly to at least one of the UN's 17 SDGs. 2. it must not significantly compromise any of the SDGs at the same time. 3. the product or solution must be marketable and implementable. The implementability and sustainability contribution must be demonstrable. This year, the award will be presented in the categories Mobility Concepts, Technology as well as Startup. Submissions from the areas of passenger cars, commercial vehicles, 2- and 3-wheelers, and other micro- and urban mobility from vehicle manufacturers, suppliers, startups, and service providers are welcome. Vehicle manufacturers, suppliers, start-ups and service providers can register online at from October 4. The deadline for submission of complete documents is January 31, 2023. All further information on registration and the application process can be found online. Once again this year, the selection will be made by a panel of experts from academia, practice, associations, media and NGOs. The awards will be presented on March 28, 2023, at the international ATZlive conference on drives and energy systems in Berlin.

Autor(en): mak

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