Adapta aims carbon neutrality target by 2050

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Adapta has completed the installation of a new 38.7 kWp photovoltaic plant for self-consumption, which will help to reduce the organization's carbon footprint. With this new plant, Adapta now have 338.7 kWp of power and a total of 1886 solar panels installed on their roofs. This year the company carried out an audit to calculate the organisation’s carbon footprint for the 2020 financial year, which will complement the data registered in the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge for Scopes 1,2 and 3. Carbon Footprints are a very topical issue because they are a key indicator of how we contribute to climate change. Carbon footprints are one of the indicators obtained through the development of the EPD, and measure the amount of greenhouse gases associated with a specific product or activity. In reality, a carbon footprint is a simplified version of a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), in which a single category of environmental impact is considered, in this case - global warming. Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) are verified by an independent third party, and document, in a transparent way, information related to the environmental behavior of the product based on its Life Cycle Analysis (LCA). The information is divided into various impact categories (global warming, ozone layer depletion, acidification, etc.) along with additional information such as emissions produced, waste generated, etc.

EPDs make it possible to compare environmental information between products or services with the same function. By Adapta is Aenorthe entity that has verified the EPD according to ISO 14025, following the Product Category Rules (PCR) 2014: 05 UN CPC 3511 Paints and varnishes and related products (version 1.0 of 17 / 04/2014) prepared by the International EPD System. It is very important that when comparing EPDs of similar products you check the reference PCR that was followed. The PCRs define the rules under which the LCA studies must be carried out and the information to be shown in the EPD, which informs consumers of the working parameters followed to obtain the different indicators. Likewise, the Adapta Vivendi and Vivendi SDS collections have also been tested according to the ISO 16000-9: 2006 standard for determining the emission of volatile organic compounds from construction and furniture products. In view of the results, the company has received an A+ score (very low emissions) for the wall, ceiling, window and door products.

Autor(en): wi

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